At dinner time there was a group of us who regularly ate together at the round table.
We were known as “The Athenaeum Round Table Gang.â€
Those of us who lived in the Faculty Club at the Athenaeum took our meals there in the dining room. At lunch-time one of the things everyone did was sit with other people and move around. One of the people I had lunch with as a graduate student on occasion was Edwin Hubble. Another would have been Albert Einstein, and most of the other visiting and resident professors.
Clockwise from near left: John Read, Norton Moore, Wolfgang Finkelnburg, Henry DeVore, In the middle with the pipe was me, H. Richard Crane, William. A. Fowler, Lucas Alden, Walter Jordan.
The insulator for the ceremonial candle was “borrowed” from Royal Sorensen’s High Voltage Lab. We sat at this round table together every night, and we always had the same waitress. This became quite a famous group of physicists.
For memories of Dick Crane’s days while at Cal Tech, see “Some Memories of My Grad-Student Days at Cal Techâ€, recalled by Dick Crane, August 28, 2001 and enhanced with photos and historical information by his daughter Carol Crane Kitchens.