The following code was used to bulk parse a set of author names in the form of:
firstname [middlename] lastname, [firstname middlename lastname] ...
An APEX collection created with the name of AUTHORS
An APEX textarea item with the name Pnnn_AUTHOR_STRING.
A button with request name PARSE_AUTHORS
The author names are parsed and added as members to an APEX collection. This was designed for a specific purpose but the code may be able to modified to fit different situations.
Step 1: create an APEX item called Pnn_AUTHOR_STRING as textarea.
Step 2: Add a button called PARSE_AUTHORS
Step 3: Add a submit process that executes when the button is pressed with the following code:
DECLARE l_rank number; l_str varchar2(4000); CURSOR STR IS select trim(regexp_substr(name, '^[^ ]*')) first, trim(regexp_substr(name, ' .*[ ]')) middle, trim(regexp_substr(name, '[^ .]*$')) last --dump(name) first, null middle, null last from (select trim(regexp_substr(l_str,'[^,]+', 1, level)) name from dual connect by regexp_substr(l_str, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null); BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(TO_NUMBER(C002))+1,1) INTO l_rank FROM APEX_COLLECTIONS WHERE COLLECTION_NAME = 'AUTHORS'; -- Take out carraige returns, replace with space l_str := :P29_AUTHOR_STRING; l_str := replace(:P29_AUTHOR_STRING,chr(13) || chr(10),chr(32)); -- temporarily change that crazy character to something we know l_str := replace(l_str,chr(164),'!'); -- strip out the superscript letters l_str := regexp_replace(l_str,'! *[a-z]*',''); -- remove any special characters l_str := regexp_replace(l_str,'[^a-zA-Z,. ]','',1,0,'i'); -- trim returns l_str := trim(chr(32) from l_str); -- remove multiple spaces l_str := regexp_replace(l_str, '( ){2,}','\1' ); l_str := trim(l_str); FOR C1 IN STR LOOP APEX_COLLECTION.ADD_MEMBER(p_collection_name => 'AUTHORS', p_c001 => 'NEW', p_c002 => l_rank, p_c003 => NULL, p_c004 => trim(C1.LAST || ', ' || C1.FIRST || ' ' || C1.MIDDLE), p_c005 => 'AUTHOR', p_c006 => NULL, p_c007 => C1.FIRST, p_c008 => C1.MIDDLE, p_c009 => C1.LAST, p_c010 => NULL, p_c011 => NULL, p_generate_md5 => 'YES'); l_rank := l_rank + 1; END LOOP; END;
Optionally, while testing, you might want to create a classic report based on the collection.